Writing SMART Performance Goals

Writing SMART Performance Goals

Goal statements should be simplistically written and clearly define what needs to be done. In addition, goal statements should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound. Below are elements of a SMART Goal Statement:





 Time Bound

Detailed and focused. Anyone reading the goal should know what it is and how it will be completed.  Quantifiable. Anyone reading the goal should be able to determine the intended result. When possible a measurable metric should be used. Realistic and motivating. Goals should stretch the staff member slightly so they feel challenged. Careful review of competencies and behaviors leads to creating goals that can be successfully accomplished. Current and pertinent. Consider current department/ organizational objectives and related key responsibilities of the staff member’s position as the relevance of a goal is defined. Define the time period in which the goal should be completed. Set the urgency and priority in this section.

For example

Identify two processes in the office or in your position that need to be improved. Meet with others on campus to discuss how to best implement the process improvements identified. Recommend steps to implement process changes. Develop a survey tool to evaluate the process improvements and collect feedback.  Complete this process review by Dec. 2021.

Develop, implement, and clearly communicate a new process to reconcile credit card expense reports in a timely manner. Review of credit card expense reports should be completed and submitted three days prior to the submission due date. Run reports to determine if expense report timelines are being met. Complete process review and implement changes by June 2021.

Review current overtime practices and policy for division and for each department. Create a new overtime policy for hourly staff members that will decrease the overtime budget by 10 percent division-wide. Run quarterly reports to evaluate percentage of overtime reduction. Expected completion date is Aug. 1, 2021.